Monday, November 23, 2020

Digital Art - Apocalypse Vehicle #1


In order to get an idea of what I wanted to create for my apocalyptic vehicle, I started to think about what type of vehicles would be of use in a situation like that. I found it hard to imagine a vehicle that didn’t have a very relevant purpose so based all my starting ideas on vehicles that would almost be a necessity in a timeline like that. That’s when I landed on the idea of an ambulance.

With an ambulance as my main base vehicle, I began elaborating on the idea by establishing what the time period was, what type of apocalypse the vehicle is in, where in the world it was, etc. This would help me start figuring out what kind of details and practicalities would be important for the vehicle.


I ended up sticking to somewhat modern times(say 5-10 years in the future) in urban Europe. I quite liked the idea of my vehicle being a somewhat crazy enhancement of the kind of ambulances we see today. I also decided that the apocalypse was caused by some mutant insects that can’t fly. Due to the swarm not being able to fly the bugs are always on the ground, so vehicles have altered to be very high off the ground to avoid them. With that idea I decided to mix an ambulance with a monster truck to get the balance of necessity with an oddness that would only work in that kind of scenario.

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