Friday, April 30, 2021

Digital Art - Boss Monster #3

 My development of my boss monster continued through sketches based off the silhouette I’d chosen. I decided to take varying approaches to these development sketches, seeing what details worked and showed the right amount of intimidation that a boss monster should have with the added referrals back to the throne room arena I’d made.

I tried creating the sketches with varying degrees of humanoid elements to them (not counting the overall basic shapes). My first design was more robotic in a way, looking kind of like a living suit of armour, and I paid attention to where I should break up the body plates and the scale of parts as to not look too clunky. The second design was more abstract in that I had put a human heart as a head and an eyeball in the centre of the chest area. This design I felt was most intimidating but I was unsure if it would fit with the throne room’s colour scheme and overall appearance. The third design was the most human with an actual head and torso and fairly simplistic design choices compared to the other two. However, I felt that design was a bit safe in that the character read as though he might help you rather than fight you.

Thinking this through I decided to use the first design going forward for my final render. I thought it best fit the environment and almost looked as though he could be part of the environment itself which was kind of the narrative I was going for with this monster. From this I created some simple colour scheme variations. The colour scheme was basically already planned since I wanted it to match with the throne room arena but I did want to experiment with colours like black/dark grey and slightly darker blues to see if it added to the monster feel overall.

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